You Don't Bring Me Flowers . . .
Tonight, Dave walked in from work and presented me with a bouquet of a dozen, long-stemmed . . . Col-Erase pencils in violet.

Those of you who aren't editors with a fixation on using purple pencil to proofread -- not red, too "angry"; not blue, too cliche; not any other color, either too hard to see or too hard to take seriously -- and who don't know how difficult these are to come by ever since Col-Erase stopped selling them in boxes of a single color (except red and blue) about 5 years ago probably won't appreciate the gesture, but I did. And he did it with no prompting from me after I told him that even when I'd found the pencils sold individually online by various art stores, I'd discovered that they charged exorbitant shipping costs.
I are a happy editor. :)
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