Mishmash of Stuff
There's not too much interesting stuff going on today, but I've been promising myself that I'll post more often, so here I go.Yesterday was spent redesigning the website for my freelance editorial business, JM Editorial. It's amazing how three little pages can suck your whole day away -- and that's with most of the graphics done already. And I really have to concentrate, which is hard to do when the kids are a bit squirrelly. Still, I'm pleased with it. I'd still like to tweak it a bit more, but I don't know that I have too much time to devote to it. Comments on the site's design, content, etc. are welcome.
Today we're planning to go to a community picnic here in Walden. Free food, free games, free soda -- in honor of the village's sesquicentennial (that's 150 years) celebration. Of course, it's going to be the hottest day we've seen here -- 95 degrees and 40% chance of severe thunderstorms this afternoon. It may be a short visit to the park. Still, I think it's going to be neat. So far, the romance of small-town living has not worn off.
As far as unpacking goes, the boxes for my office are all unpacked. Of course, their contents are strewn and piled around the room, so it actually looks worse than when I started. But today seems to be a high-energy day for me -- by 10 a.m. I had done laundry, folded it and PUT IT AWAY (including last week's laundry), and run a load of dishes. That's pretty amazing for me. Oh, and I even cooked dinner for all of us last night -- and everyone (kids and Dave included) ate it. I am on a domestic roll.
Dave has been clearing out our foyer this morning, which holds the majority of our clutter at the moment, so he must be feeling the energy too. Let's hope this continues -- we have the incentive of company coming on Friday, followed by my mom arriving on Wednesday. So I'd better get going on the office. If only I knew where to put everything!
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