And Then I Stepped in Gum . . .

Sunday, June 27, 2004

If It's Not One Thing . . .

T-2.5 days till Moving Day. I'm finally no longer sick, and Dave's on the tail end. The house is probably about 90% packed, and the movers are coming tomorrow to pack, and then Tuesday to load everything into the van. Meanwhile, the evil cat is giving my sister fits somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Seaboard, and I'm feeling extreme guilt over that. And then what happens? My car breaks down. Again. It's in the shop for about the third time in six months. And it's a 3-year-old car, still under extended warranty. This is all we need.

So I waited three hours at McDonald's to have the car towed, and now we have to figure out how to get to the dealership to deal with it tomorrow, because of course my sister has our other car (with kitties) somewhere in Georgia. And did I mention the movers are coming to pack tomorrow?
