The First Day . . .
. . . of NaBloPoMo. Fussy is issuing a challenge to those of us who can't partake in NaNoWriMo. She's daring us to blog every day during the month of November. Sounds like a plan. I haven't officially signed up, but I think I'm going to try to meet the challenge. After all, my mom always says that if you do something every day for 30 days, it becomes a habit, and I have to admit I've been slacking quite a bit around here. At the very least, maybe NaBloPoMo will inspire some of my favorite, infrequently posting bloggers to produce more reading material for me!So last night was Halloween. Costume sewing was taking place right up until the last minute, but I did manage to complete both costumes in the space of four days. (We missed the Halloween parade and costume contest on Saturday, but it was a nasty, rainy day anyway.) This year we had Glinda, the Good Witch, and a knight in chain mail:
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from JennDM tagged with halloween. Make your own badge here.
[Grr. Pictures to come. Has anybody ever gotten Blogger to get their pictures up there? Looking for a workaround.]
Remind me never to volunteer to sew a satin-and-tulle costume again! Maybe I can talk them into fleece every year from now on -- so much more fun to sew. But I was pretty happy with how they turned out. I have to credit Dave with the freehand-drawn dragon on Ian's tunic, necessitated by Ian's rejection of the rampant lion design that came with the pattern.
Katie got to go trick-or-treating even though she was home with a fever both yesterday and today. I have to admit, at least kids home sick with a fever are easy to care for -- stick them in front of the TV wrapped in blankets, and they're pretty much good for the day. I'm just hoping no one else gets it, since we're supposed to head for Baltimore this weekend. I'm already feeling guilty about Katie missing three days of school this week, and next week she's off for Election Day and Veterans' Day -- a total of five days of school in two weeks! I've got to dig out some craft projects or something.
So that's it for the first day. Tomorrow I'll take pictures of some of my knitting projects in preparation for Stitches East (secondary reason for the Baltimore trip; the primary reason is that Dave is presenting at a National Science Teachers Association conference -- my chance to geek out about yarn is just a bonus).
1 comment(s):
30 posts in thirty days? I am looking forward to feeling very spoiled! maybe I'll even post on mine! :)
Anonymous, at
9:36 PM
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