Two Posts in One Day!!
I've been meaning to write a blog entry about Nancy Drew computer games, and how much we, as a family, love them. And by we, I mostly mean me. Katie loves them too, but she can't really get very far in them by herself. So they've been sort of a bonding experience for us, as the three of us (excluding Dave) gather around the flickering monitor to solve all of Nancy's cases. Heck, even my mother-in-law is getting in on the action, and the last time she was here, she and Katie were trading hints on how to get farther in the various game scenarios.Maybe it's the titian hair connection, but I've always loved Nancy Drew. As a kid, I devoured as many of the books as I could. I saved them so my daughter could read them. And now she's just about reached that point. Katie can read them, but they're still a bit long for her attention span, unless she's in just the right frame of mind. Instead, she's plowing her way through the little-sister series, Nancy Drew Notebooks. And I'm fine with that.
Remember the Blue's Clues anecdote about Ian? Well, I'm here to tell you that he's merely following in his sister's footsteps. For a little background, I have to admit that I lost my cell phone last week, and there was a great deal of consternation in the Morgan household, with me obsessing about where it could be and Dave calling it at all hours of the day and night in the hopes that whoever swiped and/or found it would actually answer it. (He was vindicated -- I had left it at Olive Garden, and a manager finally heard it ringing in the safe. My luck holds out, once again.) Anyway, in picking up around the house today, I found a little notebook of Katie's. I'm nosey, so I opened it up to see what she's been writing lately. I found this:
I cracked up. Hysterical. Clearly, a Nancy-Drew-in-training if ever I saw one. Poor Ian, always the suspect. You know, when you contemplate having your second child, you worry and fret over how the first one will feel -- whether she'll resent the new baby, whether she'll feel replaced, and so on. I'm finally coming to the realization that it wasn't her tender feelings I needed to be concerned about!!
1 comment(s):
Oh, that is precious. What did she think he did - swallowed it?
By Anonymous, at 1:41 PM
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